Welcome to  Raynor Massage Courses in Wellington, New Zealand. We are an international massage school founded in Australia by Naturopath Brandon Raynor. Brandon Raynor’s Massage and Natural Therapies School has been teaching Raynor massage courses in New Zealand for 20 years and internationally for almost 25 years.

Brandon Raynor Naturopath and School Principal

Brandon Raynor has 5 Diplomas in the healing arts (Certificate of Naturopathy, Diploma of Remedial Massage, Diploma of Shiatsu, Diploma of Chinese Herbal Medicine and a Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine). He has been practising massage therapy for the last thirty years and has been travelling the world for the last 25 years exploring the best approaches to massage therapy and other healing arts. He started teaching what he had learned in 1997 in Sydney Australia and since then Brandon Raynor’s Massage and Natural Therapies College has expanded to teach in many cities in many countries around the world, including our first massage course in Wellington in 2003. See here for our full worldwide course calendar.

Our Online Raynor massage course is a foundation course for anyone wanting to learn Raynor massage. We have a free preview that you can take and we recommend that everyone takes this comprehensive online course in Raynor Massage before contemplating an in person course.

Raynor massage is a combination of therapeutic massage, shiatsu, Thai massage, Chinese massage, Ayurvedic massage, joint adjustments and deep tissue massage. Brandon Raynor has created many new massage techniques and he has discovered how muscular tension exists in the human body as bands of tension. His manner of teaching is down to earth and straight to the point. Brandon only teaches what he uses and does not just fill a course with unnecessary jargon. Please have a read of some of our past students google reviews of our school in Australia and our Raynor Massage Reviews from New Zealand. Brandon’s style of massage eventually came to be known as Raynor Naturopathic Massage Therapy as it is truly a unique style of treatment that is extremely effective at getting to the roots of tension in the body and has greatly beneficial effects upon the mind and spirit too. Here is an example of Raynor Massage as practised by the founder of Raynor Massage Naturopath Brandon Raynor.

Our youtube site has more than 60,000 subscribers from all over the world. You are welcome to browse over 400 videos that we have on our site. You can access the main Raynor massage youtube site here.

Our Online Raynor massage course is a foundation course for anyone wanting to learn Raynor massage. We have a free preview that you can take and we recommend that everyone takes this comprehensive online course in Raynor Massage before contemplating an in person course.

A large part of our profits go towards our Raynor Naturopathic Gardens and Wildlife Refuge, just north of the Sunshine Coast in Australia

We design our courses with you, the consumer, therapist and potential practitioner in mind. We seek to teach you as much about massage and facilitate you being able to perform an excellent massage therapy treatment in as small amount a time as possible. We do this by not teaching you things that will distract you from the fundamental qualities that make up an excellent massage therapist.

We don’t believe that reciting latin names for muscles or knowing the names of the every bump in every bone is what it takes to be an outstanding massage therapist. Nor do we believe that being able to do the same set of routine moves on every client in a mechanical fashion will make it so that clients go away feeling that they have just had the best massage treatment they have ever had.

We believe that the qualities that make a good massage therapist are based on the practitioners ability to feel exactly where muscle tension lies and the ability to get rid of it. This is the main focus upon which we design our massage course. We also, of course, teach all the contraindications to massage, hygiene, professional ethics etc but the practical part of our course is totally focused on finding muscle tension and getting rid of it. In order to get rid of tension we recognize that one part of the body affects another so often times we need to source the root of tension in the body and loosen it just like pulling a weed out from its roots in the garden.

In this way we keep the focus of our training on teaching you to be an excellent massage therapist without getting you side tracked into unnecessary details that can actually make you lose your focus you from the main emphasis of what it takes to be a proper massage therapist. Just like a good cook knows more about the look, feel, smell and taste of food than he/she does about the chemical composition of the food, the proper massage therapist is an artist who has a feel for muscles and a sense for the subtle energy systems of the body rather than they have a rote learned knowledge of every latin name for each muscle.

Would you like to learn massage in a way that respects massage as an ancient art form and doesn’t bore you by making a massage course into just a scientific jargon filled class that teaches you so many things that you really don’t need to know just to make a course longer and make more money for the massage school? If you don’t want to do a course like this then you may consider learning massage at Brandon Raynor’s School of Natural Therapies.

When you come to a massage course with us we won’t waste your time teaching you about things that you will never use in your career as a massage therapist. We will teach you only what it takes to make you into an outstanding world class massage therapist. We will keep you focused on practical skills and teach you massage techniques from around the world including techniques from styles such as Hawaiian lomi lomi massage, Japanese shiatsu massage, Deep Tissue massage, Swedish massage, Acupressure massage, reflexology and aromatherapy.

Raynor massage, as our massage style has come to be known, incorporates the best of massage techniques from all over the world, plus incorporates many powerful techniques developed by Brandon Raynor, a Naturopath who has trained extensively in Eastern forms of natural therapies such as Ayurveda and Chinese and Japanese Medicine. Brandon Raynor has travelled all over the world researching massage styles and techniques and adapting the best of those techniques into his unique form of massage called Raynor massage.

This continually evolving form of massage therapy is now being offered in Wellington, New Zealand in our Professional Raynor Massage Certificate. Our Certificate course is a “getting started” massage course that teaches you enough about Raynor massage that you will be able to perform a full body massage on your friends, family and even get started as a massage therapist if you can only spare this amount of time for your training. Our Combined Certificate course is designed for people that would like to start a new career in the massage industry or for existing health professionals that would like to expand their skill range to include the wide variety of techniques and philosophy that make up Raynor massage.

Our massage courses in Wellington are focused on practical learning. Almost 80% of class time is spent massaging, being massaged, or watching the teacher do a demonstration massage. The other 20% of class time is spent discussing theory such as contraindications, hygiene, professional ethics and the qualities of various aromatherapy oils and the theory of foot reflexology.

Our massage style is considered to be a form of very deep tissue massage. However, when you learn our style you will be able to adjust it totally to suit the particular needs of the patient. So you will be able to do a light relaxation style of massage as well as a very powerful and effective deep tissue massage that incorporates a lot of pressure points and is able to get rid of the deepest seated tension that many people hold throughout their body.

In fact, we don’t teach a routine form of massage. What we do is teach people how to find the tension in a persons’ muscles and how to get rid of that tension. We show people how one area of tension in the body can affect another area and we will show you how to effectively get rid of that tension. We show you not just how to massage the common areas of the body that most massage therapists do such as the back, legs and arms but we also show you the importance of feet and hand massage, face and scalp massage and most important of all – abdominal massage. The abdomen in Chinese medicine is considered to be the centre of the person’s being so massaging the abdomen can have a very beneficial effect upon the whole person. For many people abdominal massage can “bring out” a lot of old emotions that are held there. This “emotional release” can be very beneficial for the person as old patterns of stagnation, both physically and emotionally are released.

After completing our massage course in any location within New Zealand or Australia, you will be qualified as a massage therapist and you will be able to get professional indemnity and malpractice insurance. Please inquire with our staff by contacting us for more details.

We hope to see you at one of our massage courses in Wellington soon.


Testimonials from people who completed our massage course in New Zealand

Really enjoyed the course. So pleased I choose to do this course instead of any other massage course. I decided to do massage because I wanted to help people. The approach to massage that Brandon takes – treating the whole person physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally resonates well with me.
Vicky Cooke

I’ve learned so much for first day of the course that I was really excited to practice the massage in the weekend. Brandon I salute you, you rock!!! I would really recommend this kind of training. I’m really looking forward to do the advance diploma in the future. Brandon you are a blessing to all of us in the course.
Alberto Bicada (Robert)

This is an excellent course to learn to feel where the body needs attention without getting caught up with technical terms. After 2 weeks I felt as if I could actually help people feel better though this type of massage.
Lynette Stevenson

Brandon Raynor is a very caring, compassionate, empathetic and humorous person. All these qualities come across in his teaching style which made it easy to learn and made you feel comfortable in your environment at the same time. I would heartily recommend this course to all, it is worth it.
Stephen James Baker from Christchurch

One of the best courses around!
Gary Fullerton, Completed massage class in Auckland, New Zealand

I would strongly recommend this massage course for the skills learnt but also as a way of becoming more aware of your own body energy etc.
Andrea Pearsall, Completed massage class in Auckland, New Zealand

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this massage course to people who want to learn how to give effective hands on massage. I only wish I could stay for the full Diploma!
Michelle Grant, Completed massage class in Auckland, New Zealand

Incredible experience. I am a better person from the uplifting experience. Thank You! The teachers have kept me interested the whole course.
Angelique Hazlitt-Black, Completed massage class in Auckland

Best course for practical learning I have ever attended , fantastic 2 weeks! It really shows how much the brain can assimilate in 2 weeks.
Elliot Lemmon, Completed massage class in Auckland

Best massage course I have ever been to- loved every minute of it!
Pierina Balzer, Completed massage class in Auckland

Intense – but well worth it. I loved seeing the change in oneself and seeing others change and grow with you and meeting new friends with a common interest.
Dianne Saville, Completed massage class in Auckland

This massage style was a lot more than your usual massage which I was expecting. Much more intensive. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and didn’t want it to finish. It was well worth the money!
Paul Hutt, Completed massage class in Auckland

See also Brandon Raynor Massage Courses in New Zealand

Our Upcoming Massage Courses in New Zealand

There are currently no upcoming courses scheduled.

Our Massage courses have helped many people with their career and personal lives.

Still have questions?

We encourage you to get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you.