Level 1 Online Introductory Course to Raynor Naturopathic Massage
Our Level 1 Online Introductory Course to Raynor Naturopathic Massage is a great way to get started learning Raynor Naturopathic Massage. Whether you are wanting to start a new career, add an exciting new modality to what you already practice or learn Raynor Naturopathic massage to help friends and family this is a great course to get started with. It is also the pre requisite for our Level 2, 3 and 4 courses.
The course consists of 51 lessons plus a continually increasing supply of recorded zoom meetings where Brandon and some of his other teachers answer questions and discuss Raynor Naturopathic Massage with students. The lessons consist of text and videos with multiple choice answers to be submitted online.

Some of the topics covered include:
- The history of massage and the origins of Raynor Massage
- Who is Brandon Raynor
- Contraindications to Massage
- Hygiene for massage therapists
- Professional behavior for massage therapists
- The Qualities of a good massage therapist
- How to develop your empathy and ability to “tune into” a client
- How to use the correct pressure in your techniques to suit each client
- Verbal communication skills when talking to clients
- Teaching clients about deep abdominal breathing and its importance
- How to develop rhythm and flow with your massage
- The importance of focus and paying attention while massaging
- How to take a case history form
- The goal of Raynor Naturopathic massage – to free the body of all chronic tension
- Understanding the partnership model of medicine and assessing a client’s desire to work with the practitioner (Red light, Yellow Light or Green light)
- Understanding the benefits of different positions to massage. Prone, supine or side position.
- What is residual tension
- Body mechanics and keeping correct posture for a therapist
- How to diagnose tension
- Understanding the Raynor bands of tension.
- Detailed analysis of the 28 bands of tension
- Release of chi and emotion
- How often should a person get a Raynor massage
- Creating a nice ambience in your massage room
- Assisted abdominal breathing techniques to allow deeper releases
- Developing a bridge of trust between the practitioner and the client
- How to choose a massage table
- Draping
- Raynor Massage techniques to release tension in the face, arms, hands, feet, legs, back and shoulders.
- How to use massage tools
- Baby massage
- How to run a successful business
- Putting it all together and examples of full treatments
- How to set up your business
Unique form of deep tissue relaxation massage
Raynor Massage is a unique form of deep tissue relaxation massage. It combines many forms of massage into very successful and unique treatment plans.
Combining massage modalities from around the world along with our own unique techniques to provide an extremely powerful healing massage.
Raynor Naturopathic Massage Therapy has been taught around the world for over 27 years. Naturopath Brandon Raynor brings more than 35 years of knowledge and experience in the healing arts to make this course a powerful introduction to one of the worlds most holistic forms of massage therapy.
A holistic form of massage that provides physical, mental and emotional benefits.
Raynor massage is an art form that allows you to earn a great income while helping people. There is no greater job satisfaction than feeling like you have made someone’s life better by your work