The Flower Essence Repertory
The Flower Essence Repertory, ( )published by the Californian Flower Essence society, and written by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz, is the most informative book on Flower Essences that I have come across in the last 20 years.
The Flower Essences Society ( ) has a grounded and practical way of presenting flower essence therapy. I love the in depth descriptions and analysis of flower essence therapy at the start of this book, which has contributed to my membership to their oganization for quite some time.
In my 20+ years of experience as a Naturopath, I have found flower essences to be one of the most amazing and effective remedies for emotional, spiritual, and mental imbalances. They have been an enormous help in my own life, and in the life of my family, friends and clients. The Flower Essence Repertory has been such a valuable aid in my soul journey that I would highly recommend anyone interested in Naturopathic medicine to read this book and try flower essences for yourself.
The book also goes into detailed descriptions of the 38 original Bach flower remedies as well as about a hundred more essences from Californian flowers. It describes the condition that it treats and the positive outcome that will occur after taking the flower essence. I use kinesiology to help me accurately diagnose flower essences. * An instructional video soon to follow on You Tube.
There is also an extensive repertory of different conditions such as anxiety or depression whereby a practitioner can then select the exact remedy for the particular type of anxiety or depression that would be appropriate for their client. For example Yerba Santa flower essence is used for internalized sadness especially when held in the chest region and emotional pain. Whereas Sagebrush would be used for feelings of personal devastation or a feeling that one has reached rock bottom or for an ability to accept emptiness and loss.
This book also goes into how to make your own flower essences and various diagnostic techniques to select the right flower essences for the person from kinesiology to dowsing with a pendulum to selection through symptoms presented then checked with the repertory.
It also goes into working with flower essences and children and flower essences with animals.
Overall it is one of my favourite books that I use in my practice of Naturopathy.